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Tongkat Ali and everything you need to know about it.

Potential Benefits Of Tongkat Ali That Are Backed by Science

Millions have consumed Tongkat Ali but without knowing its full health benefits. Some may use Tongkat Ali as a natural viagra, whilst others may use it for energy, revitalization, muscle development and as a stress reliever.
Despite glowing reviews by experts and medical specialists, understanding the specific health benefits of Tongkat Ali is vital to align it with your specific health goals.
Tongkat Ali benefits both men and women. The range of benefits is astounding, extending to areas beyond what we could imagine from a herb that is used for centuries.

To date, more than 700 human test subjects have participated in research and clinical trials to evaluate Tongkat Ali’s benefits. Despite hundreds of clinical trials and research studies, there are few that made to the top trusted Tongkat Ali brands which are popular globally.

Tongkat Ali benefits both men and women
Depending on your health objectives, the benefits of Tongkat Ali enable your body to function better, with a noticeable boost of energy and strength.

Although Tongkat Ali benefits men more than women, it is suitable for both when used in competitive sports, when you need to balance your hormone if you are diagnosed with low testosterone (or androgen deficiencies), or when you are at the menopausal stage. You can gain an advantage by taking Tongkat Ali to reduce stress or anxiety too.

Summary of Tongkat Ali health benefits

1. Increases the Production of Testosterone
2. Improves Sexual Health & Libido
3. Improves Strength, Muscle & Physical Activities
4. Stimulates Loss of Weight & Body Fat

What exactly is this herb?
‘Tongkat Ali’ is from the Malay language that translates to Ali’s crutch/stick. Also known as the Malaysian Ginseng, Tongkat Ali root comes from a plant known as Eurycoma Longifolia. This herbal medicinal plant is found mainly in the deep rainforests of South-East Asian countries (Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Thailand and Vietnam) [1].

The world’s Tongkat Ali supply comes mainly from Malaysia and Indonesia. Between the two countries, Malaysia is widely accepted to be the major exporter of quality Tongkat Ali and here is why.
The general components of Tongkat Ali consists of various bioactive compounds such as:
Eurycomalactone, Eurycomaoside, Eurycolactone, and Eurycomanone, a major share of alkaloids and quassinoids. Quassinoids is found to contain anticancer, antiulcer, and anti-parasitic effects, while Alkaloids, contains antibacterial and anticancer properties [2].

Potential Benefits of Tongkat Ali

1. Increases the Production of Testosterone
Tongkat Ali is one of the natural herbs that has been successfully proven by scientists to regulate the testosterone hormone in both men and women. There is sufficient scientific evidence and clinical trials on testosterone-related studies from the effect of consuming Tongkat Ali in the last 20 years.

The effect of Tongkat Ali’s mechanism of action releases more free testosterone through our adrenal gland, pituitary gland, testes and ovaries.
When consumed with multivitamins, Tongkat Ali may produce a significant increase free testosterone. A clinical trial on Tongkat Ali with 47 test participants reported an increase in free testosterone between by up to 600% in 24 weeks.

Clinical trial registration NCT02865863.
There are other science-backed research studies and clinical trials on testosterone reproduction from the effect of consuming Tongkat Ali. Here is one of the key studies.

Tongkat Ali Studies & Clinical Trials on Testosterone

  • A 24-week randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial on 50mg Tongkat Ali with 47 test participants showed a 600% increase in free testosterone in women and 580% increase in men.

  • A recent study by Chan et al in 2021 with 32 males with an average age of 24 years showed that 600mg daily consumption of Tongkat Ali over a two-week period resulted in 34% increase in free testosterone.

  • A randomized controlled study conducted in 2020 by a group of researchers from the University of Santarina, Brazil showed that middle-aged men consuming 200mg Tongkat Ali daily with a 3-day exercise per week showed the most increase in testosterone during the 6-month period.

  • 76 patients were given 200 mg of water-soluble Tongkat Ali extract and results showed improvement in Ageing Males’ Symptoms (AMS) scores and improvement in the serum testosterone concentration [3]. The method of AMS score is explained here.

  • In another research, the University of Western Cape, South Africa, both men and women (ranging from the age of 57-72 years) were given 400-mg of Tongkat Ali daily for 5 weeks. It was observed that Tongkat Ali not only enhanced the levels of testosterone but also greatly promoted muscle strength in men and women. It was shown that women had an increase in free testosterone levels owing to the momentous reduction in the concentrations of sex hormone-binding globulin [4].

Tongkat Ali remains the preferred T-boosting supplement in the 21st century due to long list of strong evidence, backed by clinical trials on humans. Testosterone is highly regarded as one of the key hormones that are associated with masculinity, energy, mood, stamina, libido and overall general health. Both men and women may gain similar health benefits by restoring testosterone levels by consuming Tongkat Ali.
In fact, testosterone is responsible for so many functions in our body. You can find more information from Harvard here.
As we age, the testosterone levels drop in both men and women, more so after 35 years with testosterone levels being only 40-50% of youthful levels at 60 years of age.

Research has shown that increased testosterone results in various health benefits; improved muscle bulk, decreased amount of body fat, increased mental and physical energy.

2. Improves Sexual Health & Libido
Tongkat Ali has been touted to be the best natural remedy next to Viagra. Tongkat Ali has recorded sufficient scientific evidence on libido over the years. It may benefit men’s health by supporting a healthy male reproductive function and fertility – including sperm motility, semen production, libido, and erectile function.

Tongkat Ali Potential Benefits on Men’s Health & ED
Here are the test results from multiple Tongkat Ali studies on men’s health and ED-related symptoms.

  • Sperm motility: +11% to 44.4%

  • Sperm concentration: +18.2% to 65%

  • Sperm morphology: +94%

  • Erection hardness: +39.3%

  • Erection time: +102% to +162%

Most of these benefits are associated with higher production of testosterone after consuming Tongkat Ali. The mechanism works by regulating the testosterone hormone that is responsible for sexual organs’ functions and libido.

The rising number of erectile dysfunction (ED) in the US has made Tongkat Ali a safer option for those seeking natural remedies to manage ED symptoms better.
The fact that Tongkat Ali is gaining rapid popularity as the preferred alternative to Viagra is due to its long-term health benefits. 
For men searching for benefits of Tongkat Ali in order to improve libido, the scientifically proven benefits will convince you to try one without having to live with the side-effects of Viagra.
According to medical experts, low testosterone can be one of the causes of low libido.
The increasing number of research and clinical studies on Tongkat Ali’s benefits on men’s sexual health showed significant interest in the research community. Here are summary of the research on Tongkat Ali and its results on libido and men’s health. 

Tongkat Ali Studies & Clinical Trials on Men’s Libido

  • A 12-week study by the University of Science Malaysia was conducted on 109 men ranging between the ages 30 to 55; it was observed that Tongkat had a great impact on sexual health and libido. In comparison to the placebo, it resulted in increased sperm motility, increased semen volume, enhanced libido and improved erectile function [6].

  • Similarly, in another 9-month clinical trial at Wellmen Clinic, Damai Service Hospital by Dr. Tambi regarding infertility, it was seen that 75 males under the effect of Tongkat Ali supplements had an improved rate of fertility owing to the increased rate of semen volume, increased concentration of sperm, increased sperm motility, and sperm quality [7].

  • In another 12-week study by Medicus Research LLC, Northridge, California on a sample size of 26 men, a proprietary freeze-dried water extract of Tongkat Ali, Physta®, was examined for its effect on sexual performance, fulfillment, and well-being in samples. It was observed that when compared to placebo groups, not only was the sexual performance improved but subjective libido scores were also increased resulting in increased hardness and erection time [8].

  • Based on similar studies conducted by the University of Science Malaysia, showed similar results. There was evidence to suggest that animal’s estrogen’s inhibitory effects on the production of testosterone were overturned along with a significant increase in sperm production, amount, vitality, concentration, and motility owing to the effects of Tongkat Ali [10].

  • In another study conducted published at PhytoMedicine, the consumption of Tongkat Ali was seen to result in improved sexual libido, sexual stimulation, and performance  [11].

3. Improves Strength, Muscle & Physical Activities
The versatility of Tongkat Ali enables wider application as a functional ingredient that is widely popular amongst fitness and sports community. The benefit of adding Tongkat Ali gives a performance edge in strength and muscle growth.
Tongkat Ali is a popular performance ingredient that is mixed with other herbs such as Macca.
Tongkat Ali is widely used as a pre-workout drink by athletes and sports professionals in recent years as a safe replacement compared to steroids.
The health benefits of Tongkat Ali amongst sports and fitness communities enable a remarkable increase in performance-related activities – notably in muscle growth and strength.
Here are scientific studies on Tongkat Ali benefits on muscle growth and strength:
Tongkat Ali Studies & Clinical Trials on Strength, Muscle Growth

  • In a study of 32 men published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 11g daily of Tongkat Ali supplements were given for 4 weeks and resulted in increased total strength based on squats, bench and deadlift exercise [12]

  • Similarly, in another 5 week study by Department of Medical Bioscience in the University of Western Cape, South Africa where 13 men and 12 women were given 400 mg each of Tongkat Ali daily revealed an increase of 16.6% of the muscular force hand-grip test in men and 13.7% in women. This study also confirms Tongkat Ali’s ergogenic benefit through improved muscle strength [13].

  • Tongkat Ali had a great impact on the improved muscle strength of middle-aged women too. This effect was found in a study conducted by the University of MARA Technology Malaysia on 31 women between 45 to 59 years. It was revealed that in a duration of 12 weeks, 200mg of Tongkat Ali daily resulted in 67% improvement on the bench press, 21% improvement on upper body power and significant improvement in handgrip strength [14].

  • In a similar 5-week study on 14 men published on the British Journal Sports of Medicine in 2003, showed an improvement in the strength and size of muscle. This is over and above significant improvement in athletic performance based on daily intake of Tongkat Ali [15]


4. Stimulates Weight Loss and Body Fat

With benefits stretching from boosting testosterone levels and increasing muscle strength, can Tongkat Ali directly achieve weight-loss by reducing fat? Or does Tongkat Ali directly promote leaner muscle?
Tongkat Ali is categorized by scientists as an adaptogen and anabolic plant.
Anabolic processes that happen in our body enables growth and mineralization of bone and increases in muscle mass. Tongkat Ali is highly anabolic and contains a high level of protein.
Earlier discovery by scientists showed how Tongkat Ali consumption has successfully resulted in increased muscle mass in active healthy adults. 
If you are a woman and reading this article, it is time to consider consuming Tongkat Ali if you are planning to reduce your weight. However, we strongly believe the best way to achieve significant weight loss is through a combination of planned exercises, proper nutrition. There is evidence that showed Tongkat Ali may potentially contribute to weight or fat loss for both men and women.
We found three research papers that showed promising results:

Tongkat Ali Studies & Clinical Trials on Body Fat & Weight Loss

  • Similarly, another research published on British Journal of Sports Medicine, Tongkat Ali showed increased in muscle strength and bulk with reduced body fat when given to 14 healthy men for 5 weeks. [15].

  • The research by the University of South Africa, Tongkat Ali was shown to decrease body weight and belly fat in mice, with no change in the internal organ’s weight [5].


  1. Catherine Ulbricht, Julie Conquer, Kelly Flanagan, Richard Isaac, Erica Rusie & Regina C. Windsor (2013) An Evidence-Based Systematic Review of Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia) by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration, Journal of Dietary Supplements, 10:1, 54-83, DOI: 10.3109/19390211.2012.761467

  2. Jiwajinda S1, Santisopasri V, Murakami A, Sugiyama H, Gasquet M, Riad E, Balansard G, Ohigashi H. (2002) In vitro anti-tumor promoting and anti-parasitic activities of the quassinoids from Eurycoma longifolia, a medicinal plant in Southeast Asia. J Ethnopharmacol. Sep;82(1):55-8.

  3. Tambi MI, Imran MK, Henkel RR (2012) Standardised water-soluble extract of Eurycoma longifolia, Tongkat ali, as testosterone booster for managing men with late-onset hypogonadism, Andrologia, 44 Suppl 1:226-30. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0272.2011.01168.x.

  4. Henkel RR, Wang R, Bassett SH, Chen T, Liu N, Zhu Y, Tambi M (2014) Tongkat Ali as a potential herbal supplement for physically active male and female seniors–a pilot study. Phytother Res;28(4):544-50. doi: 10.1002/ptr.5017.

  5. Solomon MC, Erasmus N, Henkel RR (2014) In vivo effects of Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) extract on reproductive functions in the rat; Andrologia 46(4):339-48. doi: 10.1111/and.12082.

  6. Ismail SB, Wan Mohammad WM, George A, Nik Hussain NH, Musthapa Kamal ZM, Liske E. Randomized clinical trial on the use of PHYSTA freeze-dried water extract of Eurycoma longifolia for the improvement of quality of life and sexual well-being in men. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2012; 2012: 429268. doi: 10.1155/2012/429268

  7. Tambi MI, Imran MK, Henkel RR. Standardised water-soluble extract of Eurycoma longifolia, Tongkat Ali, as testosterone booster for managing men with late-onset hypogonadism. Andrologia 2012; 44(Suppl 1): 226–30. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0272.2011.01168.x

  8. Udani, J. K., George, A. A., Musthapa, M., Pakdaman, M. N., & Abas, A. (2014). Effects of a Proprietary Freeze-Dried Water Extract of Eurycoma longifolia (Physta) and Polygonum minus on Sexual Performance and Well-Being in Men: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2014, 179529. doi:10.1155/2014/179529

  9. Tambi MI, Imran MK, Henkel RR. Standardised water-soluble extract of Eurycoma longifolia, Tongkat Ali, as testosterone booster for managing men with late-onset hypogonadism. Andrologia 2012; 44(Suppl 1): 226–30. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0272.2011.01168.x

  10. Ang H. H., Sim M. K. Eurycoma longifolia Jack enhances libido in sexually experienced male rats. Journal of Experimental Animal Science. 1997;46(4):287–290. doi: 10.1538/expanim.46.287

  11. Ang H.H, Ngai T.H, Tan T.H. Effects of Eurycoma longifolia Jack on sexual qualities in middle aged male rats. Phytomedicine. 2003;10:590–593

  12. Kreipke, Vince & Allman, Brittany & Kinsey, Amber & Moffatt, Robert & Hickner, Robert & Ormsbee, Michael. (2015). THE IMPACT OF FOUR WEEKS OF A MULTI-INGREDIENT PERFORMANCE SUPPLEMENT ON MUSCULAR STRENGTH, BODY COMPOSITION, AND ANABOLIC HORMONES IN RESISTANCE-TRAINED YOUNG MEN. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 29. 1. 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000995.

  13. Henkel RR, Wang R, Bassett SH, Chen T, Liu N, Zhu Y, et al. Tongkat Ali as a potential herbal supplement for physically active male and female seniors—A pilot study. Phyther Res. 2014;28(4):544–550. doi: 10.1002/ptr.5017

  14. Md Yusof, Sarina & Zakaria, Zaiton & Abd. Hamid Karim, Aminuddin & Aiman, Suhana & Kadir, Zulkifli. (2016). Enhancement Effects of Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia) Supplementation on Performance Functions Following Strength Training in Middle-Aged Women. 10.1007/978-981-287-691-1_1.

  15. Joint Conference of BASEM and BASES British Journal of Sports Medicine 2003;37:464-470

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