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Turkesterone and everything you need to know about it.

What is Turkesterone?

Turkesterone is an ecdysteroid which is a steroid found typically in plants and insects. They are responsible for the development of these insects - specifically the molting and growth aspect of them.

Turkesterone in supplement form is typically from a Leuzea plant. Many of these ecdysterones are similar in their effects on humans, but typically Turkesterone is seen as having the most powerful effects.


Turkesterone has gained a lot of interest in the bodybuilding community as it can dramatically improve your performance, gains and alter your body composition.

It has been compared in it's efficacy to anabolic steroids but have none of the androgenic downsides that those compounds contain. It also is considered "natty" still and is not banned by WADA (yet at least).

Benefits of Turkesterone



Turkesterone has numerous health benefits including:


  • Can help improve lean muscle tissue

  • Improve body composition and muscle-to-fat ratio

  • Improved memory performance

  • Increased muscular endurance.

  • Improved recovery time.

  • Potentially shows positive outcomes with anxiety

  • Potentially can improve sleep, cholesterol, and glucose levels

  • Similar benefits to steroids without having to cycle or do PCT


Most athletes use Turkesterone primarily for the aesthetic and muscle building benefits - but the ancillary performance and health benefits are not to be ignored either.



Turkesterone Side Effects


Turkesterone is appealing because it has many of the anabolic effects of steroids - without being a steroid and without having the androgenic downsides that come along with them.

At this point, there are no known side effects (short or long term) of Turkesterone.


The main detractors of Turkesterone typically do not proffer that Turkesterone is even dangerous, they just cite the lack of extensive human studies due to the products newfound popularity. However, this is pretty standard for most new supplements on the market. You only get more data, by testing products extensively and there are plenty of individualized and anecdotal data out there that shows promising results.


There are more studies under way to both understand Turkesterone's full impact and potential side effects.


Is Turkesterone Considered a Steroid?



Turkesterone is a phytoecdysteroid. It's an analogue of the insect steroid hormone, but is not currently banned by WADA or considered a typical "steroid." It's a sister compound to ecdysterone.

While the word steroid is in the name, it is not anabolic and it not classified as a steroid by any governing body?



Are you still natty if you take Turkesterone?



Turkesterone is not on the banned substance list - although the effects are so good that some studies have recommended it should be. This can always change, but for now - Turkesterone is definitely legal and not considered a banned substance.


What Does Turkesterone Do?


Turkesterone has been shown to improve muscle growth and strength. While studies need to continue to show repeatability on an ongoing basis - the positives are strong enough that future studies seem promising.

The exact mechanism of action is unknown but it's thought to employ the same growth and muscle building properties that insects and plants exhibit through this compound.



How much Turkesterone Should I Take?



Some athletes take up to 1000mg / day. Some exceed 1g, although the effects at that level have not yet been studied.



How to Take Turkesterone


Take your dosage in the morning with some food. Some people may report an upset stomach if they take Turkesterone on an empty stomach.


How Long Should I Take Turkesterone?


Most people Turkesterone for 8-12 weeks to measure their results and see progress. While it's not a steroid and does not require a standard cycle (or post cycle therapy), making sure you check in 8-12 weeks after you start does let you compare and contrast your progress over time.



Why Is Turkesterone Controversial?



Turkesterone is a new supplement that has gained notoriety overnight. There's great enthusiasm about the product and several people have seen great results, but there are also several shady companies that have popped up selling bunk pills and making false claims - just to make a buck.


To the outside observer, it can be confusing to tell what's going on, but it's important to note that even the most ardent critics don't claim that Turkesterone is a steroid or dangerous. The large majority of them are reacting to it being "overhyped" or "expensive" - but these are claims that can be made about almost every single product in the supplement industry as well.




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